更新时间:2014-07-17 10:09
中文摘要: |
选择廉价海泡石, 用氯化铁对其改性。研究铁改性海泡石对锑的吸附特性。结果表明,氯化铁浓度、吸附时间、初始锑浓度以及温度等因素对锑的吸附影响较大,溶液初始pH影响不明显。在初始锑浓度50 mg/L,pH 6.8,5%氯化铁改性海泡石投加量为2 g/L,吸附90 min, 温度35℃下,吸附量可达21.6 mg/g。海泡石对吸附锑具有缓冲特性,溶液的初始pH值在3.1~10.1范围时,吸附后溶液的最终pH值为8~8.5。IMS吸附锑是放热过程。改性后海泡石比表面积增大,表面羟基数量增加,导致其吸附能力增强。通过XRD谱图并未发现铁晶体的存在。 |
英文摘要: |
Inexpensive sepiolite was sampled and modified by FeCl3. Properties on biosorption of antimony by iron modified sepiolite were studied. It is shown that factors such as FeCl3 concentration, adsorption time, antimony initial concentration, temperature, etc. affect adsorption process significantly, and the effect of initial pH is not obvious. Antimony adsorption capacity is 21.6 mg/g while the adsorption conditions are as follows: antimony initial concentration 50 mg/L, pH 6.8, 5% FeCl3 concentration,immobilized bimass concentration 2 g/L, temperature 35℃, adsorption time 90 min. Sepiolite exhibits a strong buffering capacity, it takes a few minutes for a sepiolite suspension adjusted to pH 3.1~10.1 to attain its natural pH of 8~8.5. The process of adsorption produces heat. After modification the surface area of IMS increases obviously, and from the FTIR data we can find the surface –OH uptakes increases greatly too, which may be the reason for high adsorption capacity. The iron crystals are not found on IMS by XRD. |
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