更新时间:2014-07-17 10:12
中文摘要: |
以水浮莲干体为生物吸附剂,考察不同吸附时间、初始pH、水浮莲干体量、摇床转速和反应温度等因素对废水中锑(Ⅲ)的吸附影响;同时通过FTIR、动力学模型以及等温吸附模型等对吸附机理进行研究。结果表明:Sb3+初始浓度为50 mg/L、溶液初始pH为6.8、水浮莲干体用量为1.0 g/25 mL、于(25±1)℃的恒温振荡摇床中以100 r/min振荡吸附反应120 min后,吸附率可达76.8%。水浮莲干体对Sb3+的吸附是一个快速的过程,前10 min的吸附率为52.7%,60 min达到吸附平衡;初始pH对Sb3+的吸附有显著的影响,适宜pH为6.8;在一定范围内,干体量的增加、摇床转速的增大以及温度的升高都会导致吸附率升高。结合FTIR谱图分析得出吸附为化学、物理吸附;准二级动力学模型比准一级动力学模型能更好地描述水浮莲干体对Sb3+的吸附过程;Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温模型均适合对吸附过程进行拟合,但Langmuir模型能更好地反映吸附特性,298 K时最大吸附量为1.394 mg/g。水浮莲干体对Sb3+有良好的吸附效果,可用于处理含锑废水,达到以废治废的目的。 |
英文摘要: |
The dried Pistia stratiotes L. biomass used as a biosorbent for the removal of Sb3+ from aqueous solutions was investigated under the experimental conditions, such as various time, initial pH, sorbent dosage, shaker’s rotating speed and temperature. The biosorption mechanism was explored by FTIR analysis, kinetic and isothermal biosorption experiments. Results showed that the Sb3+ in the water could be removed up to 76.8% at pH of 6.8, biosorbent dosage of 1 g/25 mL, shaker’s rotating speed of 100 r/min, adsorption time of 120 min, and initial concentration of Sb3+ of 50 mg/L, and ambient temperature (25±1)℃. The kinetics of biosorption was relatively fast, about 52.7% of Sb3+ removal occurred within 10 min and equilibrium was attained within 60 min. Initial pH of solution was the important factor affecting biosorption and optimal pH was 6.8. The adsorption capacity increased with the increase of biosorbent dosage, rotating speed and reaction temperature in an appropriate range. By the analysis of FTIR, the adsorption included chemical and physical processes. The pseudo-second-order kinetics model could better characterize the biosorption processes of the metals than the pseudo-first-order kinetics model. The biosorption process could be well described using isothermal adsorption equations of Langmuir and Freundlich model. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm model best reflected the adsorption characteristics. The maximum adsorption capacity of the biosorbent was 1.394 mg/g at 298 K. The results of this study show that waste Pistia stratiotes L. biomass is a good absorbent for removal of Sb3+ from wastewater, which is a strategy of controlling waste by waste. |
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