佘年,男,1957年出生,1995年毕业于美国华盛顿大学,生态学博士学位,现任美国华盛顿州西雅图市共用事业管理局高级环境工程专家,美国环境工程师协会Low Impact Development(LID) Modeling 委员会主席,美国环境工程师协会都市水资源研究委员会常务理事,2008年第一届国际LID研讨会(The First International Low Impact Development Conference, Seattle, WA, USA)主席,主要负责城市的可续性发展规划,水资源管理,城市生态工程,全球温室效应对都市水文水质的影响等项目。2004年佘年参与和领导的研究小组开发出都市可持续发展的关键技术之一:Natural Drainage System获得美国哈佛大学商学院年度发明奖。
- ? 开发都市可续性发展中的关键技术,如生态屋顶,雨水花园,生态草沟,都市自然排水系统和社区雨水利用
- ? 构建LID模型
- ? 构建城市排水系统模型,并综合其它因素作为城市排水系统在防洪,排涝,基础设施规划建设,管网和污水处理厂负荷控制,受纳水体水质和环境容量控制,雨水的回收和利用等方面科学决策的平台
- ? 全球温室效应对都市流域水文,水质及生态系统的影响
- ? 河流,湖泊和河口水质模型的构建,包括水污染容量及污染总量控制的技术和方法
- ? 湖泊水库等富营养水体生物修复和生态修复治理研究;
- ? 湖泊底泥好氧生物消减研究;复合生物酶对城市污泥生物消减的应用研究;
- ? 复合酶在水产养殖、畜牧和农作物上的应用
1976-1978 湖南大学 本科学习
1980-1982 University of Tennessee 获数学学士学位
1982-1985 University of Tennessee 获数学硕士学位
1985-1988 University of Tennessee 获MBA
1988-1995 University of Washington 获生态学博士
1989-1993 就任美国华盛顿州King County 自然资源管理局,Research Scientist,主要负责辖区内污水处理,湖泊,河道修复治理,水质水量模型,监测。
1993-2007 美国华盛顿州西雅图市共用事业管理局,高级环境工程专家,主要负责城市可续性发展规划,水资源管理,城市生态工程,全球温室效应对都市流域水文,水质及生态系统的影响评价等。
2005- 成立西雅图环境科技公司(Seattle Environmental Science and Technology Inc.),负责开发复合生物酶在水产,景观鱼养殖,湖泊河道底泥好氧消减,城市污泥生物消减,花卉种殖,高尔夫球场草坪的维护及景观水处理方面的应用。复合生物酶在湛江南美白对虾养殖和广州花都罗非鱼养殖的中试中效果非常明显,饲料系数降低1/3,水质在24小时内明显改善。
She, N. and D. Basketfield . 2007. Understanding the dynamics of snowpack in Washington State – part I: variability of snowpack. Water Resources Research (In press).
She, N. and D. Basketfield . 2007. Understanding the dynamics of snowpack in Washington State – part II: complexity and predictability of snowpack. Water Resources Research (In press).
Kuo, Jan-Tai, Ming-Han Hsiehb, Wu-Seng Lungc and Nian She, 2007. Using artificial neural network for reservoir eutrophication prediction, Ecological Modelling,Volume 200, Issues 1-2, Pp 171-177
She, N. and D. Basketfield. 2005. Streamflow dynamics at the Puget Sound, Washington: application of a surrogate data method. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12, 461–469.
She, N. and D. Basketfield. 2005. Long Range Forecast of Streamflow Using Support Vector Machine. ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress Proceedings doi 10.1061/40792(173)481
She, N., 2001. Apply Neural Networks to Watershed Management. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Watershed Management, Taipei, Taiwan. pp151-157.
She, N., 2000. An Integrated Approach to Stormwater Management in Elliott Bay/Duwamish Drainage Basin in metropolitan Seattle. Proceedings of International Workshop on Watershed Management in the 21st Century, Taipei, Taiwan. Pp35-58.
She, N., 1996. Analyzing Censored Water Quality Data Using Non-parametric Approach. Water Resources Bulletin, vol.33, No.3. pp615-624.
She, N and Ovbiebo, T. 1995. Urban Runoff Quality & Quantity Modeling in a Subbasin of the Duwamish River. Proceedings of Water Resource Engineering Annual Conference. Vol 3:320-329.
Domenoskye, R. and She, N. 1991. Statistical Characterization of Priority Pollutants Distributions in Offshore Marine Sediments. OCEANS ’91. ’Ocean Technologies and Opportunities in the Pacific for the 90’s’. Proceedings.
Conference presentation
She, N., 1996. Detecting Chaos in Aquatic Systems. ProDynamics’96, University of Hamburg, Germany.
She, N., 1992. Bootstrap Method for Priority Pollutants Measurement. SETAC annual meeting, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.
She, N., 1989. Time Series Analysis of Fecal Coliform Data in Marine Water. Ocean annual meeting, Seattle, WA. U.S.A.
She, N., 1985. Computational and Algorithms for Differential Equations. Master Thesis. University of Tennessee. Knoxville, TN. 35 pp.
She, N., 1995. Chaos in Aquatic Systems. Ph. D dissertation. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 79 pp.
She, N. and Pfeifer, B. 2002. 2002 Hiram M. Chittenden Locks Smolt Flume Oberver Calibration. Seattle Public Utilities and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle WA.
Spratlen, L. P. and She, N. 1992. Interpersonal Conflict Which Includes Mistreatment: Report on an Institutional Survey. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Domenowske, R. and She, N., 1990. Water Quality Status Report for Marine Water. Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Seattle, WA.
